GR® 53 : stage 1

GR® 53 : stage 1

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Hikers wishing to follow the GR53 from one end to the other will find here a proposal for cutting in stages, others will find ideas of one-day or several-day excursions.

The Grande Randonnée 53 trail is a variant of the GR 5 which ranges from Wissembourg to Masevaux, that is to say, north and south of Alsace, passing by the Vosges ridges.


Along the way, follow the red rectangle markup.

  • Departure : SNCF station Wissembourg, Wissembourg
  • Arrival : Hiker's House, Main Street, Obersteinbach
  • Towns crossed : Wissembourg, Climbach, Wingen, Lembach, Niedersteinbach, and Obersteinbach

9 points of interest

  • Panorama

    Wissembourg and the vineyard

    Magnificent view of Wissembourg and its vineyards. In the middle of the latter stands the Château St. Paul, the last of the 4 castles built to protect the city.
  • Panorama

    Lauter Valley

    A beautiful view of the Lauter valley. In the village Weiler stands the Langenberg, a former castle from the 13th century.
  • The Lauter walking trail

    Decided by Marshal de Villars in 1706, they were intended to lock the north of Alsace during the war of succession to the Spanish throne (1701-1714). Thus, 50 redoubts and 28 dikes constituted a continuous parapet allowing the valley to be flooded. An important redoubt was named Maréchal de Bourg, the man who improved and increased the lines in the Scherhol area.
  • Refuge-shelters

    col du Pigeonnier shelter

    Shelter and refuge of the Club Vosgien at the Col du Pigeonnier
  • Historic Sites

    Scherhol Tower

    On the site of an old redoubt of the lines of the Lauter was built a telegraph station from 1795 to 1860, which was replaced by a pyramid of logs to carry out geodesic measurements in 1875 before being used as belvedere to admire the landscape . Replaced by a stone tower in 1895, it served as a watchtower during World War II before being destroyed by the Germans dynamite. It was never rebuilt. More info here.
  • Geology

    Rocher de Krappenfels

  • Castle-church-abbey

    Fleckenstein fortified Chateau

    Built on a sandstone promontory 20 m high, 125 m long and 8 to 15 m wide at an altitude of 370 m, the castle has existed since the 12th century to control the roads to Lorraine and Haguenau. After the sieges of 1276 and 1315, it was restored in the 15th century, redesigned and modernized in the 16th century, but destroyed in 1680. The rock, cut vertically, was dug out to build chambers. On the upper platform there are remains of the 15th century palace and a chapel.
  • Refuge-shelters

    Hichtenbach refuge

  • Geology

    Rocher des Bohémiens


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Wissembourg Information Office - Tourist Office of Green Alsace

2 place du Saumon, 67160 Wissembourg (0)3 88 94 10 11

Access and parking

From Haguenau, take the D263 towards Wissembourg, then turn left to catch the D3.

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