From Lichtenberg to La Petite-Pierre

From Lichtenberg to La Petite-Pierre

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A crossing from Lichtenberg to La Petite-Pierre, in the middle of the sandstone rocks and the hills of the Vosges du Nord massif.
This route will take you through some picturesque villages and forest areas very pleasant and you will discover sandstone rocks and heritage. Moreover, the visit of the fortress of Lichtenberg will allow you to admire a very nice panorama.


  • T01a

    Credit: Fiche pdf Alsace à Vélo -



From the parking place of the church, follow the direction of the castle.

At the castle, head right on Champagne, strong descent on 400 m. Continue right towards Ludwigsthal, after the pumping station, turn left, steep uphill on the plateau Kohlbach. Turn right to join the departmental road. Cross the D181 and take the path downhill to Wimmenau.
After passing under the railway bridge, take the bike path on the right. After the fire station at 150 m, turn left and at the junction with the D919, turn right. At the exit of the village, turn left on the paved road for 700 m, then continue on the right for 1 km.
At the crossroads, head left for 900 m, then take the GR®53 again. Warning ! Passage of narrow width until the rock of Ochsentall. Leave the GR® and continue to the left. Arrived on the main road, turn right. At the crossroads after the fishing pond continue straight, arrive at the small castle Meisenbach. At the forest house, head right towards Erckartswiller to cross the village.
Go left on the Schegelthall forest road for 3 km towards La Petite-Pierre. At the treatment plant, continue left on the paved road to La Petite-Pierre. Arriving at the junction with the D9, continue left and at the crossroads of the D9-D7-D178, continue straight ahead and before leaving the village, turn right direction of the Tourist Office and Castle La Petite-Pierre.

  • Departure : Rue du château, Lichtenberg
  • Arrival : Parking de l’Office de Tourisme, La Petite-Pierre
  • Towns crossed : Lichtenberg, Wimmenau, Erckartswiller, Sparsbach, and La Petite-Pierre

2 points of interest

  • Geology

    Rocher d'Ochsenstall

  • Monuments and architecture

    The House of the Pagans

    Built in 1534 at the initiative of Palatine Count Louis V, its architecture, unique in Alsace, is as much civil as miliary. Built on a rocky promontory overlooking the forest, the site was occupied by a watchtower in the Gallo-Roman era, as evidenced by traces of foundations in the cellar. Considered a high vibratory place, it would mark the location of a Celtic place of worship.


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Information Office of Niederbronn-les-Bains - Head Office of Alsace Verte Tourist Office

6 place de l’Hôtel de Ville, 67110 Niederbronn-les-Bains (0)3 88 80 89 70

Tourist Office of Hanau - La Petite Pierre

2A rue du Château, 67290 La Petite-Pierre (0)3 88 70 42 30

Access and parking

From Haguenau, take the D919 to Pfaffenhoffen. There, take the D326 on the right towards Rothbach, then take the D198 to Lichtenberg.

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