From Obersteinbach to Oberbronn

From Obersteinbach to Oberbronn

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This forest crossing allows you to discover ancient castles and heritage evoking past eras.
This crossing from Obersteinbach to Oberbronn makes it possible to cross the Sauer Valley and discover the remains of the Castle of Wittschloessel, used sometimes as a watchtower, as well as the forges of Jaegerthal, an activity that has existed there since 1602.


From the parking, turn left towards the town hall to take the D3 towards Bitche.

Continue for 300 m to the junction of the D3 with the D53. Follow the D53 for about ten meters then turn left on the way up. At 100 m, at the next crossroads, take the path on the right and follow it for 2 km to the foot of the Wittschloessel ruins. Turn right on a 50 m descent path and turn left. Join the Wineckerthal pass, side 358. Downhill gently on the right bank of Soultzbach, on a stabilized path, this on 4 km.
At the junction turn right on the GR®531 to Jaegerthal; path in false flat amount for 1 km until blockhouse then technical and fast descent. At the farm Welschhof, small passage on the meadow. In the village, take the D53 on the right for 300 m. Take a left and cross the dike then right along the pond. After 250 m, turn left on the path uphill. Just before reaching the D53, head to the right and take the GR®531 to hill 301. Continue straight and after 300 m turn left towards the Riesack. Continue to the forest house Heidenkopf, beautiful view of Niederbronn-les-Bains.
Take the paved road to the Celtic spring of Niederbronn-les-Bains. Take the direction of the train station. Leave this one, then turn right and go under the railway bridge then head right. Along the railway, go under the bridge of the N62 and continue straight for 50 m. Turn left onto the uphill path. After 30 m a pin on the right then after 60 m a pin on the left. After 350 m, turn left to join the forest house of Reisberg. After 400 m of paved road, we arrive at a picnic area. Continue straight until the next area, cross and descend on Oberbronn. Arriving on the D28, head right on the convent of Oberbronn.

  • Departure : Rue principale, Obersteinbach
  • Arrival : Rue principale, Obersteinbach
  • Towns crossed : Obersteinbach, Dambach, Windstein, Niederbronn-les-Bains, and Oberbronn

4 points of interest

  • Castle-church-abbey

    Wittschloessel Chateau (Ruins)

    The Wittschloessel castle was a simple watchtower on a rocky ridge overlooking the Obersteinbach valley; only a few remains of the sandstone walls remain.

    The history of this castle is not well known; it was destroyed at the end of the 17th century.

  • Monuments and architecture

    Jaegerthal Forge

    A first forge was built in 1602 on behalf of the Hanau Lichtenberg. Ruined during the Thirty Years War, it was replaced by another in 1684, consisting of a blast furnace, two forges and a martinet. The blast furnace stopped in 1885 then the activity in 1890. One can see there the stone coal hall, the iron shop, the employee's lodging on the floor, the hydraulic installation on the Schwartzbach. The blast furnace was in the lower part of the hamlet. (Sources: Mérimée)
  • Geology

    Rocher du Heidenkopf

  • Refuge-shelters

    Heidenkopf refuge


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Information Office of Niederbronn-les-Bains - Head Office of Alsace Verte Tourist Office

6 place de l’Hôtel de Ville, 67110 Niederbronn-les-Bains (0)3 88 80 89 70

Access and parking

From Wissembourg, take the D77 then the D3 towards Bitche.

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