From Wissembourg to Gimbelhof

From Wissembourg to Gimbelhof

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A mountain bike ride through the Pays de Wissembourg. On the program: forests and castles!
A crossing of Wissembourg, former city of the Decapolis founded in the 7th century on the banks of the Lauter, Gimbelhof, a locality near the ruins of the Castles of Loewenstein and Hohenbourg.


From the station car park, turn left onto the avenue de la gare.

At roundabout place Stichaner, take the first exit on the right and follow the signs to Center Ville via the rue Nationale to the Place de la République where the Tourist Office is located. Continue straight on towards the church, rue du Marché au Poisson to the Maison du Sel. Take the Anselmann quay on the right, along the Lauter, upstream. At the end of the street, cross the bridge. Continue on the other bank, quai du 24 Novembre. Walk along the Lauter while following the Weiler-Dahn cycle route.
Leave the D334 and continue on the Weiler-Dahn cycle route to the little Siebenteilbruecke wooden bridge, side 179. Stay to the left of the river and follow the path for 4 km, direction Climbach. In Climbach, turn right onto the D503 towards Wingen for 1.35 km. In the descent, leave the D503 and turn right onto GR®53 until you reach Petit Wingen.
At the crossroads, follow the route of the castles to Gimbelhof. At the ponds, leave the road and continue on the path straight for 50 m then the next left to enter the forest. After 1.5 km, return to the asphalt forest road. Pass by the Heimbach pond and by the Schaufelshald pass. Continue to the Litschhof Pass car park. Continue straight on the dirt road parallel to the road that goes to the Gimbelhof. After 450 m begins the medieval playground. Continue straight along the meadow to the Gimbelhof car park.

  • Departure : Parking de la gare SNCF, Wissembourg
  • Arrival : Gimbelhof, Lembach
  • Towns crossed : Climbach, Lembach, Wingen, and Wissembourg

1 point of interest

  • Historic Sites

    Ami Fritz's house


Information desks

Wissembourg Information Office - Tourist Office of Green Alsace

2 place du Saumon, 67160 Wissembourg (0)3 88 94 10 11

Access and parking

From Haguenau, take the D263 towards Wissembourg, then turn left to catch the D3.

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