Through villages
La Petite-Pierre

Through villages

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This loop allows to cross villages of the Pays de La Petite-Pierre and to see sandstone rocks!
In the heart of the Regional Natural Park of Vosges du Nord and Pays de La Petite-Pierre, this tour allows you to discover the authentic wealth of villages and the landscape of valleys.


Follow the mountain bike signs decorated with the circuit 1 red.
  • Departure : Parking de l’Office du Tourisme, La Petite-Pierre
  • Arrival : Parking de l’Office du Tourisme, La Petite-Pierre
  • Towns crossed : La Petite-Pierre, Erckartswiller, Sparsbach, Wimmenau, Wingen-sur-Moder, and Zittersheim

3 points of interest

  • Monuments and architecture

    The House of the Pagans

    Built in 1534 at the initiative of Palatine Count Louis V, its architecture, unique in Alsace, is as much civil as miliary. Built on a rocky promontory overlooking the forest, the site was occupied by a watchtower in the Gallo-Roman era, as evidenced by traces of foundations in the cellar. Considered a high vibratory place, it would mark the location of a Celtic place of worship.

  • Geology

    Rocher de l'Englishberg

  • Geology

    Rocher de Rappenfels

    Rock of Rappenfels


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist Office of Hanau - La Petite Pierre

2A rue du Château, 67290 La Petite-Pierre (0)3 88 70 42 30

Access and parking

From Saverne, take the D1004 and take the D122 on the right. In Hammerweyer, take the D178 on the right to La Petite-Pierre.

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