Eschviller Mill and Saint Joseph Chapel

Eschviller Mill and Saint Joseph Chapel

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On the Moulin d'Eschviller circuit, discover a preserved heritage along a beautiful bucolic valley. After crossing the small river Schwalb, which once fed 26 mills, you will reach Ormersviller by a path across the fields to the magnificent St. Joseph chapel.
Circuit between two unmissable sites in the Pays de Bitche: the Eschviller mill in Volmunster and the Saint-Joseph d'Ormersviller chapel. Typical open landscapes of the Pays de Bitche.


This circuit is part of the paths of excellence of the Pays de Bitche (n°8). It is marked with a red disc, completed by the green badge "Sentiers d'excellence", all along the route. Walk past the Eschviller mill and take the bridge over the Schwalb. Take the path that climbs towards the Scheidberg to reach the valley street in Ormersviller. Continue straight on rue de Trulbach, then turn right on rue de Selven, to pass the stadium. Continue straight on rue de Selven to reach the chapel St Joseph and its splendid panoramic view. Go back down into the village by the rue de la chapelle. Back in the centre of the village, take the main road (rue d'Epping) on the left towards the church. Before the church, turn right into rue de Volmunster. After leaving the village, take the path on the left to reach the starting point.
  • Arrival : Moulin d'Eschviller in Volmunster
  • Towns crossed : Volmunster and Ormersviller


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist Office of the Pays de Bitche

2 avenue du Général De Gaulle, 57230 Bitche (0)3 87 06 16 16

Access and parking

From Volmunster, follow the D85 in the direction of Germany (Hornbach). The Eschviller mill is about 2 km from the centre of Volmunster.

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