Remarkable trees in Haspelschiedt

Remarkable trees in Haspelschiedt

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This pleasant tour starting at the Haspelschiedt pond will lead you to the discovery of some remarkable trees in the Pays de Bitche, passing by the intriguing polishing rock which bears many polishing marks dating back to prehistoric times.
This largely forested trail will introduce you to some of the most remarkable trees in the region.


This circuit is part of the paths of excellence of the Pays de Bitche (n° 10). The signposting to be followed for the whole duration of the route is the red disc, completed with the green "Sentiers d'excellence" badge. After leaving the car park, pass in front of the pond to return to the village centre and the rue du Général Stuhl. After passing in front of the church, go to the exit of the village. At the intersection, take the path on the left, in the direction of the forest. The path will quickly reach the St Wendelin chapel and then reach the remarkable trees. After a few kilometres, cross the D86 and follow the direction of Roppeviller, before continuing on the path which turns to the right a few metres after the crossroads. Before returning to the village of Haspelschiedt, you will see the polisher dating from the Neolithic period. This rock, bearing hundreds of notches, unfortunately collapsed in December 2019 and is for the moment no longer accessible for safety reasons (ask at the Pays de Bitche tourist office).
  • Departure : Parking at the crossing of Neudoerfel street in Haspelschiedt, near the laundromat
  • Arrival : Parking at the crossing of Neudoerfel street in Haspelschiedt, near the laundromat
  • Towns crossed : Haspelschiedt, Bousseviller, Liederschiedt, and Roppeviller

1 point of interest

  • Flora

    Kaiser's Oak


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist Office of the Pays de Bitche

2 avenue du Général De Gaulle, 57230 Bitche (0)3 87 06 16 16

Access and parking

From the centre of Bitche, follow the direction of Wissembourg. At the Hardt business park, turn left at the intersection onto the D86 towards Haspelschiedt. The starting point is not far from the pond (campsite, restaurant Les amis du Lac).

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