In the land of glass and clogs

In the land of glass and clogs

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Alternating villages and forested areas, this short but hilly circuit will make you discover varied landscapes.
This beautiful hike around Meisenthal and Soucht will make you discover the historical and cultural richness of the country of the glassmakers.


This circuit is part of the paths of excellence of the Pays de Bitche (n° 13). Starting from the car park at the Meisenthal glassmaking site, follow the red disc markers, completed with the red "Sentier d'excellence" badge, for the entire duration of the circuit. Take the street of the old parish which leads to the clog museum of Soucht. Then continue on the circuit to the Kammerfelsen rock, then the rocks of the three stones. Arrival at the crossroads of the column before returning to the starting point in Meisenthal.
  • Departure : Parking at the Meisenthal glassmaking site
  • Arrival : Parking at the Meisenthal glassmaking site
  • Towns crossed : Meisenthal, Soucht, Rosteig, and Wingen-sur-Moder

4 points of interest

  • Monuments and architecture


    This boundary marker delimiting Alsace and Lorraine would have been built during the Napoleonic period. However, the base would date from the Gallo-Roman period. It was nevertheless partly destroyed during the Second World War.
  • Refuge-shelters

    Colonne Shelter

    Shelter of the Column of Soucht
  • Museum

    Museum of Glass and Crystal from Meisenthal

    Glass and Crystal Centre shows the development of this craft industry which gave acclaim to the Bitche region. It is highly symbolic: it houses the old glassworks where Emile Gallé, leader in the Nancy School was initiated in the art of glass, making Meisenthal the “cradle of Art Nouveau glass». Visitors will be astounded by these stunning items mostly created in the region.



  • Expertise

    Meisenthal Glass Heritage Site

    The House of Glass and Crystal represents the evolution of this art giving its noble name to Pays de Bitche.A symbol: This house was the original glass hall where Emile Gallé, head of the School of Arts at Nancy, started working with glass, making Meisenthal the cradle of Art Nouveau glass.Today, the museum is in memory of the local glass industry. After an audio-visual show, the guided visit shows you the techniques used in the ‘technical room’, followed by a visit to a sumptuous collection of Art Nouveau glass, notably masterpieces signed by Emile Gallé but also other masterpieces created by other famous glassmakers such as Desiré Christian and Eugene Kremer.An amazing moment awaits you in front of these splendid exhibits, most of which were created in the region.




Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist Office of the Pays de Bitche

2 avenue du Général De Gaulle, 57230 Bitche (0)3 87 06 16 16

Access and parking

Access to the starting point by the D83 (Meisenthal centre). Follow the signs "Site verrier".

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